California Technical Assistance Program (CTAP)
California Department of Health Care Services through a subcontract with CalHIPSO
Program Goal
To assist eligible professionals to adopt and implement EHRs to attain Meaningful Use in the Medi-Cal EHR Incentive Program from 2015 to 2018.
Previously, this program supported 688 health center and solo practice providers in San Diego and Imperial County in meeting Stage 1 meaningful use. Moving forward, HQP will support 400 of our member health center providers to meet Stage 2 meaningful use. The CTAP project provides eligible professionals with comprehensive EHR technical assistance, including:
- Educational Outreach and Events about the Medi-Cal EHR Incentive Program and Health Information Exchanges
- Project Management for EHR Adoption, Implementation and Support
- Practice and Workflow Redesign
- Assistance connecting to Health Information Exchange Services
- Assistance with Registration and Attestation in the Medi-Cal State Level Registry for Adopt-Implement-Upgrade and/or Meaningful Use
CalHIPSO and the Local Extension Centers (LEC) were established under the ARRA federal stimulus program operated by the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC). Between 2011 and 2015, CalHIPSO was funded to support 6,187 providers throughout California to adopt EHRs and achieve meaningful use. HQP’s role as a LEC for San Diego and Imperial County supported 688 of these providers in meeting Stage 1 meaningful use during this time period. Having achieved 100% of its original goal in May 2015, CalHIPSO is continuing this work, in partnership with LECS, assisting safety net providers through the challenges of Stage 2 of the EHR Incentive.
Staff Contact
Terry Wilcox